There are a wide variety of campus offices and
student-run organizations at Bloomsburg University where students can work to
enhance their professional communication skills. Another opportunity for
students involves working with an outside client in the classroom. Many local
businesses and non-profit organizations value the chance to connect with
students in various ways. Several courses in COLA and across the university
provide such opportunities, and last fall Elizabeth Petre (Communication
Studies) taught two classes that worked to connect students with local
organizations and the university as a whole.
In Communication for Business Professionals (COMMSTUD
307) students worked with area businesses on semester-length client projects
geared toward promoting their organizations. Students were divided into five
teams split among three local businesses: Key Partners Realty LLC, the Columbia
Montour Chamber of Commerce, and the Bloomsburg Children’s Museum.
Students developed various promotional and marketing
materials including brochures, newspaper ads, and posters. Other innovative
materials the students designed included a sample PowerPoint slidedeck to be
presented to potential clients. Each organization that worked with the students
received copies of the students’ final ideas in a formal report and were
invited to attend the final presentations. One student even landed an
internship with the organization his team was assigned to work with. The
picture featured below shows two student teams with their course clients
following final presentations delivered in class.
Students enrolled in Leadership and Team Building
(COMMSTUD 426) also participated in a client project with a slightly different
focus. Students worked with the Center for
Leadership and Engagement (CLE) on campus to develop ways to promote and
enhance the recent10th annual Husky
Student Leadership Summit. The summit isa free day-long conference focused
on honing students’ leadership skills that takes places on campus each spring. Two
teams developed and presented student-run panel sessions for the conference; one
concentrated on leadership skills for student-athletes and the other focused on
different ways students can understand (and make use of) their leadership
abilities. The other two teams developed marketing ideas using social media and
proposed ways for students to select future keynote speakers for the
conference. One team led the audience through an exercise where participants had
to arrange cups into a pyramid shape as a group (see picture below). This team
went on to apply to present their session at the actual conference in the spring.
All students in the class worked with George Kinzel, Director of the CLE, on
this project. Representatives from the CLE, the Alumni office, and other
students were invited to attend the final presentations which took place in the
McCormick 1303 auditorium last fall.
Dr. Petre enjoyed the opportunity to work with students
on these projects and engage with the campus community. In addition to working
with the CLE office, she received support from the Center for Professional Development and
Career Experience (CPDCE) on campus. Laura McCay Suchanick, the
Organization Engagement Coordinator, and Robyn Defelice, the Director of
Internships and Career Experience, provided contact information for local
businesses interested in working with students. They also attended some of the
final presentations. Through these class projects, clients benefitted from
working with student teams and hearing an outsider’s perspective on their
organization or business. Students developed their professional communication
skills through formal presentations and interpersonal interactions meeting with
their clients. As a whole, the client projects provided students a great
hands-on learning experience.
Thanks to Dr. Elizabeth Petre for providing this entry.
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