Philosophy is no mere profession, but a way of life
committed not only to discovering the truth but to acting on it for the sake
of the public good. Such, at least, is the upshot of Karl Marx' famous remark that
the point of philosophy is not merely to understand the world but to change it.
I have sought for all of my now 20 years at Bloomsburg to practice that
commitment--often failing, but always with renewed vigor when conditions called
for it.
No conditions have called more loudly to me to muster both my
philosophical resolve and a bit of courage than my involvement over this past
year with the anti-fracking movement in Pennsylvania. One of my areas is
environmental philosophy; another is bioethics. But neither of these was necessary for galvanizing my resolve to become involved in the resistance to
what can be clearly shown on the evidence to be a serious danger to health,
environmental integrity, and community sustainability than slickwater hydraulic
fracturing for natural gas. All that was required was being a moral person--and
one fortunate enough to be in an economic position to DO something. My
hero--like that of virtually all philosophers who endeavor to act as public
intellectuals--is Socrates, who gave up comfort and ultimately life to pursue
the true, the good, and the beautiful. For him, there was no artificial
distinction to be drawn between his "professional" life and his life,
between "theory" and "action." So too it has always been
for me. Note--I am not comparing myself to this master--far from it. But I can
aspire to his example, and I think that his example is precisely what a
university ought to encourage in its faculty.
So, I am tempted to say something cheesy, like "This is what I did on my summer vacation." But, in fact, this is what my life both in and out of the university has always looked like. This summer, it just got more media attention. I believe that these are the sorts of things academics ought to be pursuing consistent with their disciplines. And I think that this is precisely what the university ought to encourage and support in any of us.
--Wendy Lynne Lee
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